Welcome to Live Again Ministries. Our mission is to travel around the block and around the world to present the Good News and restore dignity and hope to those in spiritual and material poverty.

Our focus for the next few years will be in three primary areas:



  1. Clean water projects in communities in Honduras. Other projects have emerged from that: feeding programs, a ministry to the elderly, clothing for children, and providing educational assistance for children and youth.
  2. Grow and expand our LEAF After-School Mentorship Program, an after-school program for area teens who need a little help and hope.
  3. Providing assistance to those in homeless and addictive situations. Restoring dignity, self-respect and hope. Hope: the belief that tomorrow is going to be better than today.

The G.R.A.C.E. Plan

GOING – anywhere in the world to join the Heavenly Father in His ministry of reconciliation through Jesus Christ.
RELATIONSHIP BUILDING – Building strong relationships with people as we join them on their spiritual journey to become servant leaders with Jesus as their model.
ASSISTING – giving assistance to those in spiritual and material poverty.
CARING – Providing compassionate care for the sick and broken.
EDUCATING – Providing educational opportunities to help people climb out of spiritual and material poverty.

Join a Movement

That’s what Live Again Ministries is becoming…a movement.

  • A movement to involve people to minister to the orphans and widows, to the “least of these…”
  • A movement to involve people in providing clean water to communities in Honduras.
  • A movement to share the good news of Jesus’ grace and redemption to the spiritually hungry and thirsty around the block and around the world.
  • A movement that involves hundreds, eventually thousands, of people.

Become a one-time or monthly donor

For as little as $10 a month you can make a difference!